Calluna vulgaris 'Long White'

Calluna vulgaris 'Long White'

Long White Heather

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This popular cultivar is another plant we can even recommend as a cut flower. 'Long White' is a sturdy plant with bright green foliage. Tall spires of single white blooms begin to appear in August, and last well into October. Absolutely beautiful when mass planted.



Hardiness Zone: Zone 5 to Zone 7
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Height: 31 cm to 45 cm
Spread: 31 cm to 45 cm
Soil Requirements: Moist, acidic, poor soil
Bloom Time August to October
Planting Time: May to October, when the soil is warm
Flower Colour & Shape: Tall spires of single white flowers
Foliage: Dense upright mounds of bright green foliage

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