Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise'

Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise'

Blue Paradise Garden Phlox

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Hardiness Zone: Zone 4
Light Requirements: Full sun, Partial sun
Height: 90 cm to 1.2 m
Spread: 30 cm to 60 cm
Soil Requirements: Prefers moderately fertile, medium moist, well-drained soil
Bloom Time Mid to late summer
Large, fragrant violet-blue flowers with white centres and tiny red eyes are borne on deep purple stems. Spicy vanilla-clove scented flowers respond to differing light conditions, opening violet-blue at dawn, becoming more purple during the day and back to violet-blue at dusk.
Foliage: Upright, clump-forming perennial with elliptic, deep green leaves
Landscaping Ideas:
Perennial borders, cottage gardens, bird gardens (attractive to hummingbirds)
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