Primula marginata 'Plum Brandy'

Primula marginata 'Plum Brandy'

Silver Edged Primrose

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This cultivar of the award winning Primula marginata, was selected and named by Wrightman Alpines of St.Andrews NB. Fragrant deep purple flowers with a prominent mealy white eye ring appear early in the season, above attractive rosettes of light green strongly toothed leaves. A choice plant for rock gardens and troughs. Primula marginata was awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit.



Hardiness Zone: Zone 3 to Zone 8
Light Requirements: Part Shade
Height: 12 cm to 15 cm
Spread: 25 cm to 30 cm
Soil Requirements: Neutral to alkaline gritty sharply drained soils
Bloom Time Early to late spring
Planting Time: Early spring to early summer, early fall
Use: Alpine and rock gardens, woodland gardens, mixed borders, container plant, edging
Flower Colour & Shape: Short stemmed loose heads of tubular fragrant purple flowers with a flattened five lobed corolla and a mealy white eye zone
Foliage: Basal rosette of light green, coarsely toothed, thick waxy broad evergreen leaves, with farinose silver margins 
Benefits: Evergreen, fragrance, rabbit and deer resistant, attracts bees and butterflies

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