Pulmonaria 'Majeste'

Pulmonaria 'Majeste'

Majeste Lungwort

Regular price $12.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $12.95 CAD
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The Lungworts have always been equally prized for both flowers and foliage, and 'Majeste' is a hybrid that continues that tradition in a new way. Cheerful low stems of pink, to blue changeable flowers are set off nicely by the broad clumps of silvery grey foliage, each leaf having a thin green border. This slowly spreading gem is rarely ever troubled by pests or disease, and makes an ideal choice for shadier gardens.



Hardiness Zone: Zone 3 to Zone 8
Light Requirements: Part Shade to Full Shade
Height: 20 cm to 30 cm
Spread: 30 cm to 60 cm
Soil Requirements: Humus rich soils with steady moisture
Bloom Time Early to late spring
Planting Time: Early spring to early summer, early to mid fall
Use: Woodland gardens, shade gardens, rock gardens, edging, groundcover
Flower Colour & Shape: Bell shaped flowers with five petals, borne in loose clusters above the foliage. Flowers are pink, changing to light blue as they mature
Foliage: Broad ovate lance shaped silvery grey leaves with a fine green border
Benefits: Colourful foliage, attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, deer and rabbit resistant

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