Rodgersia aesculifolia var. 'Henricii'

Rodgersia aesculifolia var. 'Henricii'

Rodger's Flower

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Think of Rodgersia as "Astilbe's big brother". This bold addition to moist gardens has a double barreled impact. Striking, coarsely textured foliage is attractive throughout the growing season, and contrasts well with plants such as Hostas. In early summer, tall candelabra like spires of tiny fragrant pinkish flowers without true petals, rise above it all, to complete a picture of rugged elegance.



Hardiness Zone: Zone 4 to Zone 9
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 90 cm to 120 cm
Spread: 75 cm to 90 cm
Soil Requirements: Average rich moist well drained soils
Bloom Time Early to mid summer
Planting Time: Early spring to early summer, early fall
Use: Mixed borders, Asian gardens, woodland gardens, waterside gardens, accent plant
Flower Colour & Shape: Many small fragrant pinkish white five sepaled flowers borne in abundant upright trusses well above the foliage
Foliage: Rugged deeply veined and crinkled palmate leaves resembling Horse Chestnut foliage. New growth has a bronze green cast. Fall colour is bronze red
Benefits: Bold foliage, rabbit and deer resistant, fragrant, cut/dried flowers, fall colour

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