Rubus 'Heritage'

Rubus 'Heritage'

Heritage Raspberry

Regular price $9.95 CAD
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Hardiness Zone: Zone 4
Light Requirements: Full sun, Partial sun
Height: 1.5 m to 1.8 m
Spread: 90 cm to 1.2 m
Soil Requirements: Best grown in organically rich, slightly acidic, moist but well-drained soil. Dislikes waterlogged soils and shallow, chalky soils. For best results, plant in sunny, sheltered spot. Raised beds should be considered in areas of heavy clay soils.
Bloom Time Spring
Clusters of white, rose-like flowers give way to raspberries. This variety can produce 2 crops, one in early summer followed by heavier crop in the fall.
Foliage: Upright, self-fruiting, thorny shrub. Does not require staking or support. Medium green leaves.
Landscaping Ideas:
One of the most widely grown cultivars for the fruit orchard.
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